Dosa for Mining & Metalizing

Dosa Group start to intervene in mining activities since first dawn,   and started  to mines  gold out rocks, soils, and tons coming from Golding remains, that together with others companies working for gold extraction in north Sudan, using Dosa Mines  project for treating and mining process as proactive partner with other international companies, as well as dealing with Artisanal  miners in Wadi Halfa as the mining methods used  is  CIL ( Carbon in Leach )  our mining activities  covered up to Nile River  State in this project, dealing with our companies in our group such as BN  & Land Mark companies we continue to invest intensively in high Technology  production we are proud of what we have accomplish in the last years and as we look to the future we will continue to build on the pillars that have helped us become so successful

Since we established UPS Company for mining continues to provide multiple services and technical studies and heuristically guidance in the field of mining process using advance mechanisms’ and equipment’s in this regards which rise up and activate the traditional system used by communities in the area

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