Dosa Charitable Foundation
Dosa Charitable Foundation

Both organizations , Dosa Charity Organization and Shmaail charity organizations are a non-governmental, non-profit organization(NGO), its headquarter is in Khartoum, registered in Humanitarian Aid Commission since  2018 in accordance to Humanitarian Law Act, 2006. They are following same responsibility of Dosa Group for our communities in Sudan which is planned by the company of Dosa and Landmark in order to elevate the suffering among our communities and people everywhere in Africa and maintain their dignities, and now our operations areas are North Darfur, Gadarif, White Nile, South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, covering multi sectors (FSL, PROTECTION, HEALTH, WASH, EDUCATION, NURITION, PEACEBUILDING).

The organization is looking after the poverty reduction and responds to basic needs through providing humanitarian assistance with a focus on inclusion of vulnerable communities especially women, children, youth and disable person. Also the organization focus on Peace building, life-saving services, women empowerment child protection, GBV .



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