Dosa Mining

The group took the initiative to engage in this activity from its very beginning and worked to extract gold through the Dosa project to treat traditional mining waste in Wadi Halfa, which operates with the CIL (carbon in leach) system, which is known for its efficiency, safety and high productivity.

The company is also active in the Nile River State through distinguished partnerships with BN and Landmark Mining Company. Within the framework of promoting the traditional mining sector, developing and enhancing production values, the UPS Mining Services Company was established to provide various services from technical studies, mining guidance, and investing in machinery and equipment in all states where it is active. It has local miners.

The group’s goals could not have been absent from the various mining activities. Caring for the environment and the people of the region was the priority before all work. This matter took shape in environmental impact studies, contribution to social responsibility projects, and the needs of local communities for electricity (Okasha area), roads, water sources, preventing the effects of torrents and floods, educational programs, and so on.



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